Your Wellness Matters.
The Office is here to help.
As part of a broader EOPSS/DOC initiative to positively affect the culture and overall climate within the DOC, the Office shall advise and focus on wellness in the DOC’s correctional facilities.
The Office will regularly observe, examine, and thereafter advise and collaborate with the DOC on developing/ implementing improved comprehensive health and wellness initiatives and programs for the equitable benefit of those within the DOC.
The goal of the Office is to enhance focus on improved health and wellness of all – including initiatives and programs around general infection prevention, work environment, stress/anxiety, and trauma.
Mental Health Awareness Videos for Corrections Staff
If you or someone you know is in crisis or thinking about suicide, please call 988 – the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline!
Asking for help is a sign of strength, not a sign of weakness!
The Ripple Effects of Suicide
Suicide Prevention for MA Department of Correction Staff
Mental Health Awareness for MA Department of Correction Staff
Anxiety and Depression for MA Department of Correction Staff
Substance Use Awareness for MA Department of Correction Staff
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for MA Department of Correction Staff
Wellness Resources
The resources below are a non-exhaustive list. The Office of the Ombudsman does not endorse or support any resource particularly, and the list is subject to change.
A few resources include:
Corrections 1: Magazine for Corrections
News, Training, Products for Corrections Officers (corrections1.com)
Lexipol: Information for Public Safety Careers
Public Safety Policy Management | Public Safety Solutions Company | Lexipol
Struggle Well 2 or 5-day program: Contact
John.J.HaskellJr@doc.state.ma.us or nancy.leedberg@bouldercrest.org
Mental health Resources:
- The Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: 988
- EASU: 1-508-422-3481
- ON Site Academy: 1-978-874-0177
- Community Mental Health Services Massachusetts: 1-833-773-2445
Other Resources:
- Spring Hill Recovery Center
- Veterans Northeast Outreach Center
- RCA’s First Responder Program
- McLean LEADER Program
- Shatterproof